Kaleo (kuh-lay-o) is the Greek word meaning calling. It is used in the Bible when referring to God's calling in our life. This blog is going to be the written account of God's calling in my life to serve in Africa.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I Tell Papa God Tenki!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
My God Moment in Yams Farm Wharf
Have you ever felt God was talking to you through an event, or a person? Well this happened to me during my field service, and I would like to share about it.
I was extremely excited to get back to work after hurting myself. I rested my ankle all weekend, and I felt great! So I dove right into work first thing Monday morning. I was shoveling dirt. We did that a lot during this field service: moved dirt. It seemed simple enough but after a while of taking turns shoveling my ankle was crying out in pain. After trying to ignore it for a little while, I finally decided to go into the shade and have a rest. I sat down by the school and watched everyone else work. I felt defeated and that I was letting my team down. I hated it. Then this little girl came up to me. School was not in session, and I don’t think I had ever seen this girl before or after this moment.
She came and sat on my lap. She looked at me, and I asked what her name was: “Whaty na u nem?” She didn’t respond; instead, she looked down towards my legs and did something that really shocked me. She started gently wiping all the dirt from my legs (from shoveling). When she got to my scrapes she made sure she was extra careful – making sure it was really clean. She looked at my ankle all wrapped up, and she cleaned the dirt off of it and just laid her hand on it. She then moved up to my arms: slowly wiping away all the dirt from my arms. She took my hands and started to clean under my nails. One by one, my nails were cleaned. When she was done, she looked up at me and just looked into my eyes. If you could see the whole world in a pair of eyes, I believe it was hers: such innocence and tender care. Then came her sweet smile and a sudden pat on the head and she was gone.
As I sat there in a state of shock, I thought about Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. Someone who is innocent and pure taking the time and care to make those who serve him clean again. This girl was one whom I was serving. I was tired, weary, and dirty but she took care of me. She couldn’t have been more than 6 years old, but she carried gentleness in her that is unlike other children I’ve seen (in Yam’s Farm). This was my God moment during my 2 weeks off ship. I believe in those girls eyes, I saw Jesus taking care of me and telling me, it’s ok to sit and rest.
This message and any attachments may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure - Mercy Ships.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Yams Farm Wharf
An hour away from the madness of Freetown is a village called Yams Farm Wharf. While the traffic is still crazy and there are signs of recent war everywhere – this place is beautiful. If you drive down the hills on almost none existent roads you come to this tiny village. Surrounded by trees on this steep slope lives this group of people we have been serving. At the base of the village is a river that leads to the ocean with a mountain on the other side. Absolutely beautiful…until you look at the living conditions.
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Inside the school |
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The current school in Yam's Farm Wharf |
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Champion |
The construction workers turned down paying work to come and build this school for free – they will go several weeks without pay (only their lunch provided) but they and their families are committed to change the future. Committed to break the mold and overcome.
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The students are very eager to learn! |
This village has broken down the barriers that keep them from progress. They have exceeded our expectations and have taught us so much. They are breaking the mold, changing their world, and changing their future! They are overcoming and there are my hero’s for it!
“Because of you, we now know that Christ is alive!”
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Flying to Africa
Hello Everyone! Well, I’ve been in
So we left on Wednesday morning around 8:30 for
We load up in our poda-podas and have an hour drive to Jui Junction – our home for the next two weeks. Let me explain how tired I was. If you take the worst two track/back road in Michigan and make it 100X worse – add to that riding in a van that has metal benches partial screwed to the ground and being able to see the road through the floor – and I STILL fell asleep on the way to our final destination! We arrive to a guarded place that is truly amazing for being in
Well, this is it! I arrived in
Right before I left – I broke my laptop. Please pray I able to figure out how to get a new one here in
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!!
This message and any attachments may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure - Mercy Ships.