Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lord, is that You?

Lord, where are you?

What do you feel like?

What do you sound like?

Is that you in the cool breeze hitting my face or

Is that You I hear in the rustling of the leaves?

Maybe it’s You I see in the perfect ripples of the water.

Is that You inside of me? That small flame like flickering of hope inside of me…

Today I feel you all around me. I hear Your presence in the trees and loons, I see Your presence in the tiny ripples of water and I’m feeling You inside of me, feeding this flame of hope. This hope I’m trying to control so I don’t get excited for something that might not happen – yet I feel like You keep adding wood and gas to this fire until it explodes inside of me. Is that what You want Lord? For me to give it all to You and allow You to feed this hope into explosion? Ok Lord here it goes – Here it is – Here is my control and I give it all to You.

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